28 February 2015



I keep seeing posts about how awesome people feel, the energy they have, and how they don't even feel hungry...

Hold up - "Don't even feel hungry?!"


I straight up - fell asleep at my desk.

EVERYTHING reminds me of food.

People are walking chocolate bars. My niece opens a bag of chips in a neighbor's house and I hear it. My heart is filled with sadness when I smell ANYTHING edible.

It's like I have a 6th sense for food and because it's being cleansed - my other senses have been kicked into ninja mode.

Which makes ME a ninja.

I may be experiencing different results right now, but I'm not dying. Plus, I was able to walk better in my boot.

If I hold onto those thoughts, my OCD, and Jesus - I'm going to CRUSH these 30 days.

26 February 2015


It's getting better :)

Some of my "meals" were pushed back today, but I survived.

More importantly - OTHERS survived.

I wasn't as tired as yesterday and even made it to a craft night with my sister. :)

I realized today, that I don't constantly eat. BUT, now that I'm on a strict shake/cleanse plan - eating is ALL I want to do!

See - I am my own worst enemy!!!

I stayed strong - I even got full from my Salmon & Quinoa Salad!

That's right - I prepared and ate a Salmon & Quinoa Salad!

This really is tough for me. I'm focusing on one day at a time

Tomorrow is Cleanse Day #1 (I'M SO SCARED!!!). Pray for anyone that may have the unfortunate luck of running into me that day. ;)


It happened.

My foot kept hurting and after another crappy doctor appointment - I'm in my boot for 3 weeks again.

I have flat feet and my weight causes tendinitis. I'm told to lose weight to stop the tendinitis, BUT when I try to - it'll cause tendinitis.

*cuss words*

I've got to lose weight quicker than I have been....to get out of this boot and continue making steps (literally) towards better health.

I've chosen the shake/cleansing system of Isagenix.

I'll elaborate more later on (when I'm not supposed to be sleeping), but here's what I experienced today:

>>HUNGER...I'm sorry - 6 almonds ain't gonna cut it. And for all the girls in my challenge group who say they're not hungry - I'll cut you.

>>FATIGUE...I almost didn't make it home from my second job I was so tired. All these people talking about amazing amounts of energy are CRAY-CRAY.

But, I couldn't sleep last night because I was so nervous about starting this. And I worked 14 hours today.

I know I can do this - I've seen my friends' results and I want to change badly enough that I'll finish this.

I'm learning the system still, so it'll be interesting to see what the next 29 days bring.

I'm hoping for a few more almonds...

10 February 2015

Day 34: Saturday Warrior

I knocked out early on Friday - so I could wake up early on Saturday to do my workout before work.

My sister and I were up and working on our fitness by 8:30 am...and I was still 15 minutes late for work...blah!

I really liked working out earlier - it helped me through my day. Plus, I drove to Logan as soon as I finished and it was nice to just hangout with one of my besties without a workout hanging over my head to do.

And when I mention Bestie Time (with a Fit Friend - just sayin')...it included some "Meal Plan Mishaps".


We substituted turkey - for the meat in our meals at Chili's. We even ate sweet potato fries...ha!

We visited Natural Grocer and picked up some Organic Peanut Butter covered pretzels to share...?

The more I tell you - the more I incriminate myself.

I tried making healthier choices while making less healthy choices.......hahahaha

Trying...always trying...

Day 33: Proud of ME :)

I like Fridays a lot. They're my REST DAY and it feels so nice to come home and just REST after a 14 hour day.

Tonight - I was asked to go to Salt Lake and kick it with a co-worker after work.

No thanks - I have to wake up early and exercise before my 8 hour shift tomorrow.

Then - some of my best friends invited me to go to Wendover and kick it with them.

No thanks - I have to wake up early and exercise before my 8 hour shift tomorrow.

I feel so OLD!!! BUT - I also feel empowered - seeing that my choices are changing in favor of health.

I deserve to lose 25 lbs INSTANTLY for this!!!

Or maybe just make it through Saturday's shift - that'll work too :)

Day 32: DRENCH BABY!!!

Tonight was our 48 minute workout and we ROCKED it.

I mean, we at least finished it. :)

My foot has been hurting - my sister hasn't been feeling well - so struggling through the workout was good enough for us tonight,

05 February 2015


Can you believe it's been a month?

Yes...I slacked off for a bit at the end with my blogs - but I'm really getting the hang of this.

I need to stay put though - and get things organized for the week to come.

I've also been reading up on things and getting excited to tweak my diet here and there. 

Hopefully, I can get back into my weights pretty soon too. 

My left foot has been a little tender - but I'm hoping that the changes I'm making will help it to become stronger and happier.

I celebrated my month with some karaoke and this is the following conversation I had:
ME: Do I look smaller to you?
ME: :( I just wanted to show you the progress I've made so you'd see how much it's worth it.
Is it worth it?

I see it everywhere - people lose 20-30 lbs and look like COMPLETELY DIFFERENT people.

I've lost 70 lbs before (TWICE) and people say,
"Oh yeah! I can see it in your face!"
*angry, bitter, hateful silence*

Why do I work SO hard to stay SO BIG?! 

Why does my FACE weigh 70 LBS?!

These are the kind of thoughts that I work through on a daily basis...sometimes even on a minute-to-minute basis...while eating chocolate through my tears.,,(I'll work it off - geez).

On the Piyo video - the instructor talks about how fun it is to have "Fit Friends". I've rolled my eyes at her - because her "Fit Friends" are in matching sports bras - with matching fake boobs and tans.

She's right though. 

Having "Fit Friends" IS fun.

MY "Fit Friends" never match me - do their own workouts - and can definitely kick the Piyo out of HER "Fit Friends". ;)

I still haven't decided on the why I'm trying to be fit - but I'm trying. I'm trying because my "Fit Friends" ARE fun and inspire me to be their "Fit Friend" as well. 

Mahalo "Fit Friends" <3

And even if I lose ALL 150-freaking-lbs from my freaking-face - it'll be worth it. :)

Day 30: I Got Your Downward Dog Right Here!!!

That's right - I was able to move into Downward Dog today in our workout. 

It's supposed to be a basic move - but remember how I modify-the-modified?


It's like - I'm struggling through my workout - trying not to die.

Then - for the 300th time - she says,
"Curl those toes and push into Downward Dog"
and BAM!!!

I'm in the Downward Dog pose like the bad-A that I am.

No tears this time - that's actually just really awkward for me now....ha!

I'm still really tired after work though - so I've got to focus on pushing myself...get it? PUSH myself? Like maybe into more Piyo positions?

Don't hate. 

Here's a picture of me today in Downward Dog:

Day 29: Sugar is Sweet...Except When You're Trying to Sleep

I had no idea that caving in to Super Bowl foods would keep me up for FOR.EV.ER.


I couldn't get to sleep because of all the sugar that was in my system - that my body isn't used to anymore.

Brown Sugar's body isn't used to sugar anymore?!

*mind blown*

That - or someone put some meth/cocaine into the food we ate.

All I know is - I will now think twice before consuming ridiculous amounts of delicious, sugar filled, made-with-love treats or drugs.


I won't lie...I caved in for Super Bowl Sunday.

Luckily - not too much. 

I don't want to feel bad about my decisions to eat. I don't want to be that person who counts calories and feels bad about eating. I can't torture myself...it's not in my nature. Which - maybe I'd be more successful with things if I did..,but that's another blog.

Can I make better decisions? Yes.

Am I making better decisions than a month ago? Yes.

Will making bad food decisions really make me happy? No.

Can I begin again? Always.

WEIGHT:  LOST             -3.7 lbs 
ARMS:  N/A                      0"
LEGS:  GAINED              +1.5"
WAIST:  LOST                -0.5"
BUST:  LOST                   -1.25"             
HIPS:  LOST                    -1"

BOO to losing boobs!!!

HOORAY for losing ANYTHING ;)

Day 27: Early Bird Gets the Worm

I was so excited to sleep in today.

I didn't start work until 9:45 am - so I slumbered like a dwarf in a mountain (I'm guessing it's cozy).

I went to work - excited to hangout with my friends that night after my workout.

I stood up at work for 9 hours, maxed out my steps, and I stayed on plan!

I finished work and headed home - so tired and sore - I forgot about hanging out with my friends.

My sister wasn't feeling well and I knocked out on the couch,


Lesson learned: As much as I may like those extra hours of sleep - I need to wake up earlier on Saturdays and get my workout on BEFORE I go to work.

Otherwise - I miss my work out AND seeing my friends. :(

04 February 2015

Day 26: Potluck Predicament

We had a  Super Bowl potluck at work.

I bought a cake - decorated it for the Chiefs - and had my coworker take it with her to the festivities.

As I sat, by myself, in the break room eating - one of the Design team members asked me,
What? Are you on a diet?
To which I quickly replied,
Did you just ask - the biggest girl in the company - if she was on a diet?
*slowly backs away and runs to the potluck*

hahaha - One day I'll be able to join them all without being tempted. Until then - it's solitary confinement for Brown Sugar.