05 February 2015

Day 30: I Got Your Downward Dog Right Here!!!

That's right - I was able to move into Downward Dog today in our workout. 

It's supposed to be a basic move - but remember how I modify-the-modified?


It's like - I'm struggling through my workout - trying not to die.

Then - for the 300th time - she says,
"Curl those toes and push into Downward Dog"
and BAM!!!

I'm in the Downward Dog pose like the bad-A that I am.

No tears this time - that's actually just really awkward for me now....ha!

I'm still really tired after work though - so I've got to focus on pushing myself...get it? PUSH myself? Like maybe into more Piyo positions?

Don't hate. 

Here's a picture of me today in Downward Dog:


  1. My favorite part of this post, is that pic!!!! Looooove you!!

    1. hahaha - my favorite part of ANY of my posts is when you comment. <3
