09 January 2015

Day 5: Bad Dreams...?

I woke up last night with the most horribly BAD dream.

I just remember being at a fancy dinner with my family and friends - when suddenly - the place is taken over by these people dressed in black. Not fancy black - more like old school robbers: black shoes, black pants, black fitted shirts, black stocking caps, black masks, and black gloves. Like I said, dressed in black.

It's out of the ordinary - but not too alarming.

Each of the robbers stand next to a person at the dinner - and at the nod/signal of the first robber that entered - they turn and stab us to death. :(

I was so distraught - I had to make myself wake up. I was sad and confused and I didn't like that trade off. I'd much rather PEE for 40 seconds then get KILLED with ALL of my friends in my dreams.

*soft crying break*

Is this what healthy living is?! Living a life without all its delicious, fatty foods = crying about it at night?!

I would NOT be comforted.

UNTIL - I used my handy dream interpretation app.

Blasphemy you say?!

How about fun and educational? Interesting and insightful?

I searched "Killing" in the vast archives of dream interpery (my new word) and this is what I discovered:

HOLY CRAP - I'm trying to get rid of my family, friends, and fancy dinners!!! hahaha

I know dream interpery isn't a place where I should place all of my life decisions - but it gave me comfort today.

I AM trying to kill off my old characteristics/parts/bad habits within myself.

Did I want my mind to scare the hell out of me? NO.

But, I'll be honest - I AM scared. 

Scared to fail, scared to succeed - scared to be a different me.

That fear is one of the old characteristics/parts/bad habits within myself that I need to get rid of.

And on Day 5 - that bad dream is finally helping me wake up.

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