07 January 2015

Day 3 - Not hating life...yet ;)

You know what I DO hate? 

Waking up - in the middle of the night - to use the bathroom. It probably sounds lame to complain about - but really? I'm supposed to drink 5 million ounces of water a day - take bathroom breaks every 10 minutes - and my body thinks it's hilarious to ruin my dreams and slumber - by making me use the bathroom. 

I'm in an intense kung fu battle with a rogue unicorn and wait - why are the clouds blinking? Why am I wandering around a foreign city now? Looking for a bar? No. Looking for a brothel? No. I know it starts with a 'B'....BBQ?


And you know how it is - you're so full that it hurts to even move, but ya gotta.

This morning (2:01 am) - I dragged myself out of bed and did something I've never done before - I timed myself.


Because - I swear to you - that with the new amount of water I'm drinking on a daily basis - I am peeing for at least 12 minutes. Per. Toilet. Use. 

Gross? Maybe - but it's what I'm blogging about today. Gross honesty.

Can you guess what my time was? 


It's probably not a record - but with a steady stream - I'm hoping something good is happening to my body.

I'm hoping the water weight I lose this week is 40 POUNDS!!! Or 3....I'll take 3.

And I know that my body will adjust to my changes - so when it does - that rogue unicorn is gonna get it!!!


  1. Oh my goodness! This thing deleted my comment or are you moderating them? Dammit!! I was just saying Aaamen sister! I hate peeing at night and I try to drink ally water before 5 so I do t pee the bed:). lOVE YOU! Hooray for healthy Brown Sugar!!!:)

  2. http://i2.wp.com/www.nakedcuisine.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/05/beaut.jpg This is a good reminder for me:)

  3. Love love LOOOOOVE - can totally relate about waking for stupid bathroom break - i can never get back to sleep afterwards either so then I'm all grumpy!! Love your blog and that you're keeping yourself accountable to all "three" of your followers - although I'm betting you have more blog stalkers :-)
