15 April 2014

I'm a brat...

I went to the doctor the other week because my foot started  hurting so badly – that I couldn’t walk. It’s an ongoing pain that I’ve had since 2007 that effects both of my feet – but only one at a time. It does NOT include gout, or diabetes, or whatever stereotype there is to assign to large, Polynesians...that I know of. :)

Why not go to the doctor? Because I have no health insurance. Plus, I stopped selling drugs – so it’s harder to afford the copay as well. Don’t worry – I have a legal job – doing legal things – that pay legal taxes – but doesn’t offer health insurance because I’m not legally full time.

Lucky for me – I found out there is a low-income clinic in the city that I work in – and I was in so much pain – I finally went. I was nervous about limping into a clinic – looking all brown and ghetto – but when the doors opened and I saw the amount of minorities in the waiting area – I felt at home! A little Kansas City, MO – right here in Utah!

I, of course, waited in line – and when I could finally step up to the urgent care – I was informed that since I didn’t lie about previous foot pain – I had to see a doctor for preexisting condition. I was treated like an addict – looking for pills and when I made it clear that I wanted someone to look at my foot – I was given a new patient appointment for the following Tuesday…5 days away.

Fine. I took a picture of my foot and played their game. R-est, I-ce, C-ompress, and E-levate all weekend. Sacrificed time with friends and my low rider bike to get better. Here’s what happened when I made it to my appointment that Tuesday:

Dr.: So, you’re having foot problems?
Me: Yup. And I’m coming to you because everyone tells me it could be different things – but I want to know. Do I have the gout? Am I diabetic? Is it a stress fracture? I just want to know what’s going on so I can correct it and move on.
Dr. (looking at my foot): It doesn’t seem too swollen today.
Me: Uh, that’s because I came in last Thursday to see you.
*showing him this picture to prove my sadness* 

Me: I’ve been doing that R.I.C.E. thing and taking four of the 200mg which makes 800 mg of ibuprofen every 8 hours or so for pain. I alternate it with Tylenol if it’s really bad though. And I know that my weight plays into this. You’ve seen my weight – but I’m Polynesian and we’re made of steel – so that makes us weigh more, right? :)

Dr. (taking notes and not really paying attention to me): Mmmmhmmmm.
Me: I started weights again and I’m trying to lose weight – but how can I lose weight and exercise, if I can’t even walk? It’s frustrating…
Dr (taking my foot in his hand and squeezing it lightly): Does this hurt? Can you feel it?
Me: It’s uncomfortable – but not too painful. Yes – I can feel that.
Dr: Well, the fact that you can feel that means you’re not diabetic. People with diabetes can’t feel their feet. Do you have any open wounds? Or wounds that won’t heal?
Me: No.
Dr: That’s another sign of diabetes as well. I mean, there’s a little discoloration in your leg…
Me: Because I’m brown? :)
Dr (ignoring my racial humor – still holding my foot): Can you move your toes?
Me: Yup.
Dr: Well, you can move your toes so that means it’s not a stress fracture. And you say that your pain is in the top of your foot – no so much the big toe. I don’t think it’s gout. I think that you have a condition called planter’s fasciitis. It’s pretty painful – but can be dealt with stretches and ibuprofen.
Me: But, I don’t have any heel pain.
Dr: Has your heel ever hurt?
Me: Yes. But, that’s not the case this time.

Dr: I’ve got some stretching exercises that I can print out for you. And we can get you some ibuprofen 800s.
Me: What’s the difference between those and me taking the 4 pills of 200 mg?
Dr: Is that what you’ve been taking? I thought you were taking 4 pills of 800 mg! You can stick to taking the 4 pills of 200 mg.
Me (now that I know that he hasn’t been listening – I’m kind of annoyed): Are you a doctor? :)
Dr: I’m a PA.
Me: Do you volunteer here? :)
PA: This is my full time job.
Me: Oh….
*PA moves to the computer where he starts typing in my file and ignoring me – so I get bored and move to where I’m facing him and watching him type*
PA (while he types): So, what you’ll need to do – is take ibuprofen and refrain from activities that hurt your foot.
Me: Can I lift weights?
PA (still typing): If it doesn’t hurt your foot.
Me: Can I ride my bike?
PA (looking up): Did you ride your bike to the clinic today?
Me: Does it look like I rode my bike here? :)
PA: *stops typing and stares at me*
Me: NO – I have a low rider bike that I just bought and I want to be able to ride it.
PA (back to typing): If it doesn’t hurt your foot.
Me: Can I go clubbing this Saturday? :)
PA: I’d probably refrain from that for a while.
*PA typing in silence*
Me: So I can’t do things that will hurt my foot?
PA (still typing): Nope.
*PA typing in silence*
PA (looking up): Yes?
Me (trying really hard to be serious): SO…I can’t go running? 
PA (not amused): No.
*PA typing in silence*
PA (looking up): Yes?
Me: I’m sad because *sigh*....it’s just that *sigh*…I’m going to have to tell the guys on my Ragnar team that I can’t do it this year. And I was the anchor!!!
PA (stands and heads to the door): I have your exercises printed off for you and you’re good to go.

05 April 2014

ANOTHER post about Frozen...

As my family sits down to watch Disney's Frozen for the FIFTH time this week - I'm escaping to the computer room to blog about it.

I'm crazy enough to apply all movies to my own life. Crazy - fatheaded - imaginative? Either way - here's how Frozen would play out in my life:


PRINCE HANS = played by any gingers I've dated in the past...and most likely, the future

KRISTOFF = still holding auditions
OLAF = LADYBUG (our little brother)


It's amazing how well the casting worked out...it really is.


Princess Bunny is hiding her magical freezing powers and ninja skills from the kingdom.

Princess Brown Sugar is kickin' it at the parlay - sees a ginger - and falls in love. That's how it ALWAYS happens to her.

Princess Bunny freaks out - freezes errbody - runs away - and in the process - creates Ladybug - who is a little delusional at times, yet endearing...and our little brother - so our stories are never complete without him.

Princess Brown Sugar goes after Princess Bunny - even though her feet hurt and she's hungry.

After a lot of singing and dancing - which primarily come from Princess Brown Sugar - Princess Bunny accidentally freezes Princess Brown Sugar's heart!!!

Here's the twist (because our lives follow the movie pretty well until this part):

Princess Bunny feels bad that Princess Brown Sugar is hungry and now cold - so she walks down the mountain with her to find help. They get to their kingdom - only to find out that the ginger was in fact, a GINGER, who has no soul and has tried to take over!!!

Princess Bunny uses her FreezingPowerNinjaSkills (which have become ONE through her self realization in the wilderness) - and defeats the handsome, but evil ginger. The kingdom is no longer afraid of her - and welcome her back with open arms and fortune cookies.

Ladybug has already had his heart broken by three lame girls and is now on the top of the charts for music, self help books, and comfort food cookbooks.

But, where's Princess Brown Sugar?

Oh, yeah - because she lives in a kingdom full of white boys that have pets, but don't like big, brown girls - there's no one to save her from her frozen heart...and she dies.

Well - dying is a LITTLE dramatic...especially since this is my autobiography. 

Maybe...she stays frozen until dinner time. 

That's when Princess Bunny and Ladybug bring her some hot cocoa and cookies - the ice melts (leaving a hole where her heart should be) - and they get back to the castle in time for a Bon Jovi concert.